To Kindle or Not to Kindle if You Already Own a Tablet?

Kindle was launched back in 2007, and the opinions about it were divided. Some passionate readers and old schoolers believe that digitalising books isn’t the best way to publish, share, or read them, while the rest of the world believes that Kindle is one of the best inventions ever.

We won’t discuss the difference between printed and digital books. If you are reading this article, chances are you already own a tablet that could also be used for reading digital books. But should you get yourself a Kindle for reading ebooks and use a tablet for everything else, like gambling at Karamba online casino, or should you seek for content through your tablet? There are a few key things you should look at before making a decision, and we will talk about all of them in this article.

The Budget

Obviously, the budget is the most important thing when thinking about buying anything, especially if it’s something that won’t earn you any money. If you don’t have any money saved, or your income can’t take a purchase of at least a hundred bucks or more, then going with what you already have is the best option.

Although Kindle exists for over a decade, it still isn’t that cheap. The most basic new model will cost you at least $100 if you get yourself a good deal. The Internet is extremely powerful and already offers millions of articles and books for free. Of course, make sure that you are not downloading or reading illegal content (books published and released online without the consent of those who own the rights and licenses).

The Value

Think about what you’re getting from purchasing a Kindle device. You can always buy ebooks through your tablet, but what’s the difference in price if you own Kindle?

For example, most online books cost between $3.99 and $9.99. Keep in mind that it is the price of a single book. Now, with Kindle, you can choose one of their paid plans which supply you with millions of ebooks and audiobooks.

Kindle eBooks offer over a million titles and costs only $2.99. On the other hand, the Kindle Unlimited package costs $9.99 and includes audiobooks as well. This is the price for a monthly subscription. If you’re reading one to two books a month, then buying Kindle might not be for you, as it would take a long time to get your money back by saving on books purchase. On the other hand, you can share your Kindle with your friends and family who can help you pay the monthly subscription, allowing everyone to skip through books, choose another one at any point and read as much as you and they like.